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Regisztrált Tag választó

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Written with a hyphen, in lower case, without accents. HERE
:  kovacs-peter


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How can you get the products?
Worldwide free shipping on purchases of 3 or more boxes!



1. Buy Now
If you are interested in any of the products,  then you can buy right away
for yourself from our members webshop.
The courier will deliver it to your home.
You will definitely need our registered member ID at the time of purchase.
The webshops are still in English, so it is recommended to open them with Google Chrome, because it can translate the pages into Hungarian.
Right-click on the "translate to Hungarian" option.
2. Buyer with 25% discount coupon
On your first purchase, we can offer a coupon entitling you to a 25% discount , which is valid for 24 hours. This can be redeemed for up to 4 boxes of any product. In this case, you will sign up for a free account and redeem the coupon.  
You will also have a V-fill (automatic ordering) in your account and you will be able to buy with a 10-25% discount in the future.



3. Member registration
The best thing to do is to register as a member, because in this case you will not only get the products at a discounted price, but you will also have the opportunity to sell them through your own webshop and earn revenue. What's more, you will be able to join members whose traffic you will benefit from. Your commission can be exponentially high from your customer community!



As a member you have to be a buyers' own webshop and you can join as a member of international friends. This way, you can build an international customer and distribution team for yourself, after which you will have exponential international revenue. Velovita is present in the following countries.
In Hungary 01.03.2021. in other European countries since 07/06/2021. since.

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